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Mixed Reception to NOF Report on Food Fat Content


There has been a mixed reception to the report from the National Obesity Forum and the Public Health Collaboration that a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet can actually be the cause of diabetes and obesity.

The report claims that the introduction of low-fat foods such as low-fat yoghurt, low-fat milk and low-fat cheese has led to an increase in consumption of junk food that is high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and polyunsaturated oils. The increase in the number of people with diabetes and obesity could be directly attributable to the increased consumption of cheap carbohydrates and foods high in sugar.

New Guidelines for Fat Consumption

The report goes on to say that eating a diet high in healthy fats can actually have a protective effect on health, and that eating fat can actually help consumers to lose weight and prevent further weight gain.

Despite the new recommendations, consumer demand for meals that contain a satisfying amount of healthy fats found in favourites such as bacon, sausages and cream-filled delights such as cream cakes is unlikely to change. Suppliers of new and used food processing machines will continue to promote their wares to the food and catering industry, and members of the food industry will continue to purchase their food processing machinery and goods from suppliers such as http://www.clarke-fussells.co.uk/.

Labelling Foods with High Sugar Content

The Public Health Collaboration is suggesting a new approach to dietary habits through public health messaging. They suggest that in future all food labels should reflect the sugar content of a product to encourage consumer awareness. The NOF furthermore recommends cutting down on refined carbohydrates found in starchy junk foods and using sugar sparingly.

The Concern About Diabetes

The British Dietetics Association condemned the recommendations made by the NOF regarding reversing obesity and type 2 diabetes, stating that the new guidelines will encourage the increased consumption of saturated fat, which could be extremely dangerous to diabetics.

If we look back in history to how our grandparents survived the war years and how rationed portions of high-fat food actually contributed to their health and vitality, it does seems as if the modern-day portion size is something that needs addressing.

Everything in moderation is probably the best way to go. After all, a little bit of what you fancy does you good.

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