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Tips for hiring the right SEO provider


In today’s technology-driven world, businesses will, at some point, need to hire a specialist in SEO. Recruiting the right person to a high-level post is difficult at the best of times, so when it comes to finding an expert in SEO, what should you be looking for?

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Companies offering professional SEO services stand to lose an enormous amount of money if they don’t find the right candidate for their position. Part of the problem is that many applicants say they are ‘experts’ when in truth, the level of specialism needed by these companies, is higher than they can deliver.
According to Jill Whalen, CEO of High Rankings anyone can set themselves up as an SEO expert.
So, what should you do to ensure you get the right person for the job. These tips will help make the procedure a success.
Define your requirements for the position
Clearly define exactly what the requirements and responsibilities of the position are going to be before you do anything else. Set out what it is you would like them to achieve when they are appointed.
Draw up a list of skills necessary, such as strong copywriting and communication skills, particularly in the area of emails, as this will be needed for link building tasks. The ability to organise and produce detailed marketing reports should be high on the list.

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Check the candidate’s knowledge
Asking candidates to demonstrate their SEO knowledge is a good way to make sure they are as highly skilled as they say they are. This could mean asking them to provide evidence of any professional SEO services they have delivered previously. For example, a selection of website URLs they have optimised and the outcome.
The intended applicant should be asked to suggest ways to improve an existing site such as https://www.elevateuk.com/seo-services/ and advise on relevant keywords. It would be useful to check how they intend to keep up with changing trends in SEO.
Finding out what they would like to achieve over a three to six month period, if they were appointed, to see if it fits with the company culture.
Preparation ahead of the selection process and testing a candidate’s knowledge and skill set in this way will ensure that the perfect person is appointed to bring success to your company.

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