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Caesarean delivery and its classics


A caesarean section, or C-section, is an operation where a doctor makes a cut in mother’s abdomen and womb and lifts her baby out through it. According to Oxford English Dictionary caesarean section meaning, the delivery of a baby by cutting through the walls of the abdomen when delivery cannot take place in the natural way, as was done in the case of Roman dictator Julius Caesar.

The surgery techniques

There are several kinds of caesarean section. An important distinction lies in the type of incision whether longitudinal or transverse, made on the uterus. In a broad sense, there are three types of caesarean section:

  • The classical caesarean section involves a longitudinal midline cut on the uterus which allows a larger space to deliver the baby. But it is rarely performed other than at these early gestations, because this operation is more prone to complications than a low transverse uterine incision.
  • The lower uterine segment section is the procedure most commonly used in modern day. It involves a transverse incision just above the edge of the bladder. It results in less blood loss and has fewer early and late complications for the mother, and also allowing her to consider a vaginal birth in the next pregnancy.
  • A caesarean hysterectomy involves of a caesarean section followed by the removal of the uterus. This may be done when intractable bleeding happens or when the placenta cannot be separated from the uterus.

Why a caesarean delivery is done

Along with knowing the fact of caesarean section name meaning, it is also important to be known, the reasons for a caesarean section. It includes-

  • foetus has developmental conditions
  • foetus’s head is too big for the birth canal
  • the baby is coming out feet first, means breech birth
  • early pregnancy complications
  • mother’s health problems, like high blood pressure or unstable heart conditions
  • mother has active genital herpes that might be transmitted to the baby
  • previous caesarean delivery
  • placental abruption or placenta prevail
  • problems with the umbilical cord
  • reduced oxygen supply to the foetus
  • stalled labour
  • the baby is coming out shoulder first, means transverse labour


People think that the Julius Caesar was born by the method now known as C-section is apparently false. Although caesarean deliveries were performed in Roman times, no classical source of records a mother surviving such a delivery. It’s been explained that the term is deriving from the verb caedere (to cut), with children delivered this way referred to as caesones. Pliny the Elder refers to a certain Julius Caesar as ab utero caeso (cut from the womb) giving this as an explanation for the cognomen Caesar which was then carried by his descendants. Lastly, the Roman praenomen Caeso was said to be given to children who were born via this method

Wrap up

Though there are several facts about where does word caesarean come from, but a caesarean delivery is typically performed when complications from pregnancy make traditional vaginal birth difficult, or put the mother or child at risk. Now-a-days caesarean deliveries are planned early in the pregnancy, but they’re most often performed when complications arise during labour.

Learn more about operations and health care on this website: https://wellnessadvice.info/

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